Angels of Ascension Intensive
Angels of Ascension Month is a 4 part intensive. Recorded live May 2020.
Lead by Andrea Dombecki
6 hour of live recorded class. split up in 4 parts. Plus additional 5 meditations and worksheets included.
Week 1 Meet your angel ascension guides. Set intentions. Recognize what needs to be released and changed for your personal evolution. Set up new energetic angel matrixes of light in your life, upgrade your reality. Shed the old ways. Release resistance to change. Open your heart and soul. Connect with the angelic sound frequencies of your being and plug into higher levels of consciousness.
Week 2 What does ascension mean for well-being, health and lifestyle? Including home, activities, diet, exercise and hobbies. Become more in tune with your body and environment on a deeper level. Work deeply with Archangel Raphael for body communication and intuitive healing. Work with Archangel Ariel for environment harmony. Explore how ascension energy is affecting these areas of your life.
Week 3 Work, Life Purpose and Soul purpose Explore your soul destiny and akashic records with the angels. Connect with the will of the higher self. Bring grace and perspective into career and life purpose. Work with Archangel Michael to blast through blocks. Work with Archangel Metraton to anchor in the matrix of your higher dimensional career and purpose.
Week 4 Hold space for a future filled with light and higher consciousness. Community and global ascension angelic codes of higher consciousnesses for earth. Learn your place in global change. How can your soul power be activated fully? Receive comforting messages from the angels about the future of earth and your divine potential. Understand your part in the upliftment of humanity from the perspective of the higher self. Archangel Michael awakens codes of courage and will. Archangel Gabriel makes space for a clearer dialogue with the divine.
Andrea Dombecki is an angel reader, fairy intuitive, energy healer, author and artist with a lifelong passion for spiritual healing. Her channeling abilities opened at a young age, and over the years, she developed her skills for self-healing and eventually started to offer her intuitive healing abilities to help others better their lives
Files included:
Class Recording week 1(1.5hours),Class Recording week 2(1.5hours),Class Recording week 3(1.5hours),Class Recording week 4(1.5hours)
Angels of Ascension Attunement (10 min), Reading Ascension Frequencies (10 min), Atlantean Temple of Ascension (20 min), Blooming of Your Soul Gifts (13 min), Archangel Gabriel and Michael Healing (8 min)
You can also email her at