Wowza. We are in the thick of it. Mercury retrograde and another eclipse July 4th. Plus ascension and global change.
Here is some advice to make it a smoother ride:
Watch internal dialogue and relationship with self. Breathe and be mindful of your thoughts. Slow down.
Old woes, loses and insecurities are coming up. Take time for extra self care, including relaxation, journaling, and meditation. Acknowledge that extra support is needed.
Overwhelm is rampant. Emotional overload is possible. Breathe a lot. Do one thing at a time. Spend time alone if need especially in nature or with calming music.
Our fears, limitations, and life enigmas are basically being shoved in our faces. Don't react too drastically to your thoughts or emotions, just breathe, ground and allow. Don't do anything rash like tell someone off or quit something just yet. If you feel explosive ask yourself, is this rational? How can I cool down? Then sit on your feelings and act calmly if need be at a later time.
Meditate and practice self love.
Compiled with the isolation happening it an intense time for inner transformation. Inner vision quest. Go with it, take advantage of this time to strengthen your core, your trunk of inner truth. Who are you?
What do you want? Where do you belong? How can you be aligned? When we stop resisting this vibe we see the gift, a gift of radiance and amazing transformation. Death and rebirth. Hold 5d sovereignty for all. Dive deeper into your earth life, commit to it. Bring your love and spiritual light to earth for the blessing and protection of all. Super being activate . You are the light. You are the change. You are infinite. Don't forget it. Step out of limitation. Keep going. Crawl your self out of the hole if it's sucking you in hehe. Sending a million angels your way.
