It is the start of a new week and a great time to journal with our angels! Here are some ideas.
It is time for us to check in with our angels. Get grounded and breathe deeply. Make a sacred space. Get out your journal. Say a prayer. Connect your heart with your angels and align your energy. Send love to all.
Check in with your body, mind and spirit.
How do you feel? Can you call back all of your energy?
What do you require right now? How can you be more in the flow of life?
Where do you need to let go of control? Stress? Tension?
Where do you need to being more faith and positive energy?
What would be good things to do today?
How can you do your work with more ease and joy?
Should you go somewhere specific? Why?
How are your emotions?
Do you need to realign with joy and empowerment? What do you need to forgive and let go of? Do you need to get your head on straight about anything?
Can you feel the love and support of your angels? Are you at peace with all of the people in your life? Who is triggering you and why? Can you bring in healing or higher understanding?
What angels are with you and what are their messages?
What are your goals for this week?
What are your future goals?
What can you integrate into your life daily or weekly for more inner peace? Energy? Happiness? Alignment?
How can you be more in tune with yourself? Can you use your intuition more? What is it telling you?
What beliefs do you need to shift in order to have a happier life? Is there baggage that you are willing to let go of?
Are you getting any messages about the future?
Are there any specific things that you are guided to plan or prepare for?
Thank You Angels!
Andrea Dombecki is an angel healer, fairy intuitive, author and artist. Would you like to stay connected? Join Andrea’s newsletter to stay updated on new classes, blogs videos, specials and more.
If you would like a private session you can check out Andrea’s offerings here:
If you would like to go deeper check out Angel Fairy Healing school which has a variety of classes on angels, fairies, unicorns, self-help and more.