Winter Fairy Magic Day 1 ❄⛄❄ Today we will be awakening to the Winter fairy realm. The winter fairy realm is a snow covered fairy realm with a Winter Fairy King and Queen. As we connect with the Winter Fairy realm we open our hearts to the beauty of winter
❄ Open your heart and mind to the winter fairies now. Send a wave of love from your heart to them. Awaken a deep appreciation of the gifts of winter and the fairies, plants and animals of the winter season.
❄Connect with each one:
Christmas fairies, Tree fairies-evergreen- spruce, Jack frost- frost fairies-Snow fairies,
The Winter Fairy King and Queen
Plant fairies- Holly, mistletoe, poinsettia
Animals- white bunny, white wolf, white owl, Polar bear, Reindeer .
While I was preparing the class this morning it started snowing outside! Wow! The winter fairies were coming in strong!
Listen here to the Winter Fairy podcast: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/angellifemakeover/episodes/2016-12-05T11_22_27-08_00 or watch the Youtube Video:
Recommended Movies that help us connect with the winter fairy realm- Frozen and Tinkerbell the Secret of Wings

Winter Fairy Magic Day 2 ❄⛄❄ Connecting with your Winter Fairy Guides
Today let us take time to connect with our winter fairy guides today. Relax, get centered. You may want to have a pen and paper. Maybe light a candle or play some relaxing music. Make a peaceful space for yourself to connect. You can also do this outside in nature. Let us focus on calling in some of our winter fairy guides. Pay attention to what they look like, feel like and ask them if they have anything that they would like to communicate to you. Here are some winter fairy guides that we can practice connecting with:The Winter Fairy King and Winter Fairy King- When I tune in I see them with silver crowns dressed in white and very sparkly. They live in a castle with a frozen pond next to it. They feel very calm. Their message is to connect with the deep peace of spirit within. They also teach about the magic of true love and being deeply centered within your being.Christmas fairies- Remind us of the unconditional love, gratitude and joy of the season. They also help with decorating, entertaining and the true meaning of Christmas. I feel Christmas elves coming through. They do love to give children toys!Tree fairies-Christmas trees love to share in the festivities of Christmas. They love wreathes and trees. They also remind you to give thanks and give back. Thank the trees for being Christmas trees and also help plant trees or donate to tree foundations.Jack frost- frost fairies- These fairies are very artistic making patterns in the frost. The frost patterns remind us of the beauty and magic of ourselves and the universe.Snow fairies- To me these fairies are riding on snowflakes and directing how the snow falls on trees. These fairies also design snowflakes and heal the earth through the sacred geometry of the snowflakes.Now let's see if any other Winter fairies guides would like to come through for you. Some other ones that came through for me are the pine cone fairies and holly fairies. I also see some baking fairies flying around ready to bake things and bring joy to the world! They remind us that baked goods make great gifts!
Winter Fairy Magic Day 3 ❄⛄❄Today we will be connecting with the animal guides of winter. Take a deep breath now and set the intention of connecting with the animal guides of winter. Send them your love and appreciation. You may want to have a pen and paper ready. As we connect with each one notice how you feel and what their messages are. Let us now connect with:
The Polar Bear king- When I connect with him he feels very protective like a loving father energy. I feel he helps us to be grounded and have a strong aura.White wolf- Feels very loyal and protective. Reminds us of our own power and perseverance. The strength of spirit.
White Owl- Feels very wise and reminds me to expand my mind. There are answers all around when we fly above our self imposed mental limitations.
White unicorn- The unicorn feels very light and free. Reminding us to believe in ourselves and connect with the magic. Rise above stress and get in the flow of magical joy.White bunny-Remind us of gentleness and sweetness. Being kind to others who are sensitive. Compassion.
Now allow any other animal guides that would like to come through show themselves.Now pay attention to the animals that cross your path during the winter season! Remember that this includes animals that also appear in movie, books and in pictures that you see during the day! Your winter animal guides are always communicating- look for signs. Sending waves of love the winter fairy animal guides now! Thank you!
Winter Fairy Magic Day 4 ❄⛄❄Today we will be connecting with the plant guides of winter. Take a deep breath now and set the intention of connecting with the plants of winter. Send them your love and appreciation. Plant spirit medicine reminds us that each plant has a personality and spirit. The plants love to share with you! Connect with the divine essence of each winter plant now. You may want to have a pen and paper ready. As we connect with each one notice how you feel and what their messages are. Let us now connect with:
Holly-Feels very festive and joyful. I can hear Christmas bells.Blue Spruce- Protection, grounding and strength. A divine father energy.Mistletoe- Love, romance and divine partnerships.Poinsettia- Divine feminine. Beauty, sweetness and gentleness. A shining radiance and physical strength. Blessings of the new year.Cedar- Used in ceremony. Purifies energies. Ancient and strong. Ancestral connection and earth history.Now pay attention to any other winter plants that may be reaching out to you.
Thank you winter plants. We send you our love and appreciation.
Winter Fairy Magic Day 5 ❄⛄❄Now we will be focusing on the energy and activities of winter. Winter is a time to go within, be quiet, meditate and deeply connect with your spirit. There are also certain fun activities that we associate with winter. Once I asked the fairies to show me how I could enjoy winter more. They showed me that I should knit and make soups. They said I should really open my heart to enjoy indoor activities. Here are some Winter activities that the fairies suggest for us to truly enjoy the winter:
Cooking- soups, cocoa, baking, trying new recipes
Crafts and finishing projects- knitting, sewing, making homemade bath products, art, express your creativity.
Reading, writing and journaling -It is also a time to think a lot about goals and review your life.
Meditation and introspection-the nights are longer and I feel a lot of star and moon energy wanting to connect with us. Sky Magic- Aurora Borealis.
Home- Organizing, blessing, decorating.I also find it can be a more social time for holiday gatherings and enjoying people. Be of Service to the world- donate, food, toys or time to help others.

Be open to what ever other else the fairies suggest. The purpose of this exercise is for us to open our heart to the joyous activities of winter and listen to what the universe guides us!by Andrea Dombecki If you would like to explore the Winter Fairy Realm on a deeper level Join me for the Winter fairies online class. Find out more here