The Spring Fairies Invite you!

Spring Fairy Class Subscription 2023
*Includes 3 brand new fairy classes. 1 will be released each month from March to May.
*There is also a General Spring Fairy Email reading included- It includes a 3 card reading from my Enchanted Fairy Heart card deck and also a 150 work personalized channeled message from the Spring fairies. You will get on reading when you sign up(within a week of sign up)
*A faery reiki attunement included. Will be done during the Energy Healing for Ascension with the Fairies May 15th.
Spring Fairy Class Subscription starts-NOW- May 31st
Connect with the magic of the fairies of spring. Ground into the season and meet your spring fairy guides! Spring garden and herb intuition. Spring flower energy medicine. Spring fairy realm, animal guides and more! Awaken to spring with the fairy kingdom!

Already Available- Spring Fairies Abound-Connect with the spring fairies and get ready to bloom. Journey to the spring fairy realm. Connect with your spring fairy guides. Release old winter energy and welcome new spring vibrations of joy and fairy magic.
1 hour class recording with guided meditation lecture and fairy energy healing.
April 15th Release Celebration of the Flower Fairies- Connect with the flower fairies! Open you heart to their color healing and floral messages. Journey and attune to the spring flower fairies.
1 hour class recording.

May 15th- Fairy Energy Healing for Ascension with the Fairies Messages, energy healing and attunements from the fairies about ascension. Including light body activation and DNA upgrades. Are you ready for the new earth and the evolution of human’s relationship to nature and earth energy?
1 hour class recording. It also includes
Fairy reiki Attunement with booklet.

*Bonus Fairy Reiki Attunement- You will receive the attunement in May the Day of Class May 15th. There will also be a manual.
*1 General Spring Fairy email readings included- 150+ word channeled fairy message. Plus 3 card reading from my Enchanted Fairy Heart Deck. You will receive you reading within 2 weeks of signing up.
Sign in Portal with all class materials.
Archive Spring Fairies Class will be in there. Plus the Spring Fairy PDF workbook. Spring Heart Healing Meditation and The Spring Fairies Abound Class.
Spaces are limited so reserve your spot.
Contact andrea@angelfairyhealing.com with any questions.
Spring Fairy Subscription
Includes all spring fairy classes plus one general spring fairy email reading with 3 cards and channeled messages from the fairies. $150
Spring Fairy Subscription VIP option also available. Includes all spring fairy classes. Plus Monthly email readings with 3 cards and personalized message and one Fairy Soul Therapy Session(1 hour one on one session. $350