Positive focus points:
NOURISHMENT- Do that which makes your heart sing! VISIONARY- see your divine potential. HARNESS your energetic vibration and wield it consciously. You are a power force. Where is your power directed? UNCOVER the beauty of the universe unfolding through your spirit! MIRACLE solutions seem to be appearing where there were only walls and limitations before! This is a blessed time. BE the change you wish to see DO an act of kindness CREATE something beautiful Actively CHANGE the world in a positive way.
Andrea Dombecki is an angel healer, fairy intuitive, author and artist. Would you like to stay connected? Join Andrea’s newsletter to stay updated on new classes, blogs videos, specials and more. https://www.angelfairyhealing.com/
If you would like a private session you can check out Andrea’s offerings here: https://www.angelfairyhealing.com/online-store/Sessions-and-Packages-c16254601
If you would like to go deeper check out Angel Fairy Healing school which has a variety of classes on angels, fairies, unicorns, self-help and more. https://www.angelfairyhealing.com/online-store/Classes-c20392806