If you picked card 1 you got Archangel Raphael.
This angel comes with a powerful message of healing. Be open and aware of the healing nudges that you are intuitively receiving. It might be the subtle message to take more time for yourself or to let go of a stressful obligation. Maybe you are drawn to a special book, take a class or even get rid of some limited beliefs. Archangel Raphael is whispering to you! Are you listening?
You have the tools to heal yourself. Look around you. Deeply listen to your soul. Take some deep breathes and be present. When we release the fear and anxiety around our suffering we can naturally attract the healing that we require. What is the truth behind negative programming and fear? Well-being is your natural state.
Bring more calmness, more intuitive awareness, more alignment and balance to your life. Health and happiness is possible. Work with the powerful energy of archangel Raphael to embrace your birthright of heavenly health. Claim that now.
I am physically and emotionally healed. I am whole.
If you Picked card 2 you got Guardian Angel
These loving angels are here for you and unconditionally love you! They come to inspire self love and support. You are not alone. They bring a message of unconditional love and reassurance. They can help you with anything. They are surrounding you with love. You are never alone and they are your family. They bring good luck and heavenly peace. They love to be your guardians, to watch over you and surround you with love and hope. It is time to let them in.
This is a time of great evolution. Your guardian angels are great allies to help you stay grounded in love and faith. To help light the way and help you have hope.
I allow the love of my guardian angels. I listen to the messages or my guardian angels.
If you picked card 3 you got Angel of Harmony
This angel comes with the message that the true state of the universe is harmony. Look beneath the surface. Affirm Gods harmony. Affirm that love and peace is the natural state. Rise above patterns of stress and dramas. Tap into peace and harmony. what does that feel like? Can you rest within that vibration?
Calm your mind and spirit. Chose to tap into the harmony of life. Look at patterns of stress. Were you born into stress patterns? How can you repattern the energy of your life? How can you embody the harmony of the universe? The angel of harmony comes with the powerful teaching that Harmony is your natural state. You are sovereign. You have dominion. If any part of your life is stressful call on the angel of harmony to help you. Call in the light of harmony to re-arrange your reality to be more harmonious! Call in the angel of harmony to help you overcome drama and fear.
I love to live a harmonious life.
The Angel Cards are from The Loving Angels Oracle by Andrea Dombecki Available December 1st.
Andrea Dombecki
Andrea is an angel healer, fairy intuitive, author and artist. Would you like to stay connected? Join Andrea’s newsletter to stay updated on new classes, blogs videos, specials and more. https://www.angelfairyhealing.com/
If you would like a private session you can check out Andrea’s offerings here: https://www.angelfairyhealing.com/online-store/Sessions-and-Packages-c16254601
If you would like to go deeper check out Angel Fairy Healing school which has a variety of classes on angels, fairies, unicorns, self-help and more. https://www.angelfairyhealing.com/online-store/Classes-c20392806