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Writer's pictureAndrea Dombecki

The Power of Personal Affirmations!

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

Affirmations are an amazing tool for us to use to heal ourselves and manifest blessings in our lives!

First start my asking yourself what you would like to create in each area of your life? Then you can begin creating your own tailored affirmations.

Brainstorm and from your ideas develop affirmations that make you feel good and really address your needs.You can start your affirmations with: I love, I am or thank you for. Affirming as it already is so or that you are welcoming it with love. Let's explore different life areas. Really think about how you want to feel about this area of your life and what you would like to call in. Let's explore a few areas.

Health and Well-being

Examples: I am comfortable and happy in my body. I love and trust my body. I love how my body looks and feels. I love having clothes and shoes that make my body feel happy. I love being glowing and radiant. I love having a comfortable bed and couch. I love getting regular massages. I love doing energy healing. I love being in tune with my body. I love being my ideal weight and shape! I love being healthy and happy. I love feeling great in my body. I love feeling beautiful/handsome and healthy!

Family and Friends

Examples: I love being in harmony with my family and friends. I love to attract soul family friends. I love feeling at home within my friend group. I love having a sense of community. I love having heart centered trusting relationships. I love being able to trust those around me. I love being able to easily communicate and get my needs met. I love to be loved and respected. I love to be celebrated.

Love and Romance

Examples: I loving being in love. I love being at peace with my partner. I love co-creating with my partner. I love having a happy marriage. I love having true love and romance in my life. I am attracting my perfect partner. My love life is blessed and satisfying. My heart is open to love.


Examples: I love doing joyous work. I love having kind and generous employers and clients. I love being a bestselling author. I love making money with my passions. I love my giant stable joyous income. I love to have the perfect job. I love having the perfect salary. I love having the perfect clients. I love having the most perfect customers! I love moving forward joyously in my career. I love expressing my gifts!


Examples: I love feeling joyous and safe. I love feeling peaceful. I love to feel faith. I love feeling free and light. I love being content. I love feeling safe and comfortable. I love feeling excited about my future. I love trusting the process of life.


Examples: I love feeling energized and passionate. I am excited about each day. I love exercising in joyous ways. I love waking up in the morning full of energy! I love doing things that energize me. I love getting sunshine and fresh air.


Examples: I love taking time for myself. I love going to the gym and doing yoga. I love deep breathing. I love being my ideal weight. I love being in tune with my body. I love taking time for me.

Divine connection

Examples: I love spending alone time in meditation. I love being in tune with my intuition. I love feeling that a higher power is guiding my life. I love going to my favorite church or spiritual place. I love going to meditation circles. I love having quiet time for meditation. I love my favorite spiritual books. I love journaling. I love connecting with a higher power. I love connecting with my spirit guides.


Examples: I love having more money than I can ever spend. I love being debt free! I love having a giant stable joyous income. I love making 8X more than all of my bills! I love financial peace and joy. I love being at peace with money! I love feeling like money is always there for me when I need it. I love being financially stable. I love having large healthy savings accounts. I love making money easily and joyously.


Examples: I love to having my home mortgage paid off. I love owning a house paid in full. I love having the most perfect house. I love having a spacious comfortable home. I love having 3 bathrooms in my home. I love having a large garden and yard. I love entertaining in my giant dining room. I love my spacious master bathroom. I love my study. I love my home office.

Play and Hobbies

I love doing art and going to the movies. I love hiking. I love visiting museums and bookstores. I love going to concerts. I love knitting. I love baking.

Now go over your lists and create your affirmations! Start with I have, I am, I love, I am grateful for, thank you for..... be creative and have fun! Remember that what you are seeking is seeking you! Create your master affirmation list.

What now? Now the sky is the limit. Say your affirmations as much as you need to! Say your affirmations when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed. Say them when you are driving alone or walking. Say them out loud or in your head. They are great thoughts to have. When you say your affirmations something else might come up so you can add or revise your affirmations.This should be fun. Be creative and trust your intuition.

Notice how your mind and body feels when you say the affirmations. Be consistent and stick with it and your are guaranteed to see results! You are re-patterning your mind.

I love to live a joyous and empowered life! I love to be on top of the world!

by Andrea Dombecki

Andrea is a an angel healer, fairy Intuitive, author and artist. Would you like to stay connected? Join Andrea’s newsletter to stay updated on new classes, blogs videos, specials and more.

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